
Revitalizing How Training & Performance Support is Accomplished

TPC Products Utilized: Extended Reality and Video Production

In 2014, the tobacco giant PMUSA realized that within their next 5 years, the majority of the machine operator, mechanical, and electrical workforce expertise would be list due to retirements.  Wanting to capture the knowledge base of those exiting the company, PMUSA collaborated with The Pupil Company to begin creating a library of videos to be used as supplemental classroom instructional aids, as well as on-the-job performance support aids. 

Solution and Results:

Since 2014, The Pupil Company has developed hundreds of videos for both the classroom – known as iLearn Videos – and on the job performance support videos, known as iFix Videos

iLearn Videos have aided instructor-lead training by offering visualization of complicated machine processes and procedures during technical-intensive training modules. This is led to higher knowledge retention, and deeper understanding of the machines the team members would soon be working with.

iFix Videos are housed in a mobile application, accessible to any workforce member with access to a company mobile device. The videos accessible to each team member are sorted by their job role, which they can quickly access during machine repairs, procedures, and preventative maintenance, refreshing their knowledge with step-by-step video instructional aids. This has led to reduced machine downtime, better safety practices, and the ability for workforce members to be able to assist machine repairs in parts of the facility that they do not normally work in.

In 2019, The Pupil Company expanded their role within the Training & Development Center for PMUSA, by creating interactive, computer-based training modules known as iLearn eLearning

These eLearning courses range from converting full trades courses from the traditional instructor-led power point and text book training, to specific process and procedural training, as well as safety and compliance. These engaging computer-based training modules that are uploaded to the company’s LMS and assigned to all relevant individuals. Each student is allowed to move at their own pace, removing one of the main barriers for mass classroom training. The instructors facilitating the training are given pertinent data points for class, allowing them to see struggle points with each student, and invest targeted time to help ensure the individual learner understands and retains the information they need to successfully perform their role.

In 2021, The Pupil Company once again expanded their role within the Training & Development Center for PMUSA, by breaking the Extended Reality ground with iLearn VR and iLearn AR.

iLearn VR has been piloted and introduced for the factory’s machine operators, as an innovative and exciting way to get “hands-on” training, without needed to schedule machine downtime. Working with the machine instructors and SMEs, we discovered that there were many processes and procedures that could be recreated in the highly immersive, virtual environment that VR technologies offer. Using the standalone Meta Quest 2 headsets, the students are able to practically apply the knowledge they’ve received from their instructors, manuals, and eLearning modules, but diving into the VR training world. The VR environment has Instructional Mode- which includes voice over, written instructions, and graphic guides for each step of the process- as well as Exam Mode, with three levels of difficulty. These fun, immersive VR Training simulations allows the factory to overall reduce the required machine downtime for training, focusing those times on the more complex training processes.

iLearn AR has been piloted as another tool to use for practical procedural training, via replicating the machine’s HMI software. Wearing the Microsoft Hololens 2, the student uses hand gestures to interact with visual screen interfaces and holograms to perform specific tasks related to their job role, practically learning the procedures without interacting with the live machine software. 

In 2023, iLearn AR will be piloting performance support applications that interact with the live production machine servers, allowing the Hololens 2 wearer to be guided on processes and procedures, check machine statuses, as well as machine machine adjustments from anywhere within the factory.

Internal Company Marketing For Workforce Equality & Culture Shift

TPC Products Utilized: Narrative Videos

In recent years, much has changed with the ways business is done within an organization. Altria has many employee-led groups that strive to bring awareness, understanding, and positive change to their workforce culture, facilitating environments of empowered, diverse, and inclusive work cultures, across all companies under the Altria umbrella. 

Having worked on other projects with The Pupil Company before, one of the Women in Manufacturing group leaders reached out to us to help enhance an upcoming event training entitled Driving Advocacy: Bringing Men into the Fold.

This training was to highlight the benefits of advocacy with inclusiveness for women in the workplace; demonstrate the six subconscious biases that women face from men within the workplace (Likeability, Performance, Affinity, Attribution, Maternal, Double Discrimination & Intersectionality); and outline the subconscious or conscious positions men can hold along the Advocacy Spectrum (Inactive, Aware, Ally, Advocate). 

Solution and Results:

The Pupil Company produced a complete series of videos for this training. Together with the Group’s leaders, we finalized scripting for all of the videos, then TPC moved forward with project production. We held casting calls, hired the actors, scouted locations, filmed the scenes, edited the work and sent revisions as requested to our client. 

The course became a huge success, and offered the Women in Manufacturing group the ability to turn this short term training into an ongoing course, available via webex meetings for any individual or department to sign up for and take part in. The feedback for the videos in particular was that The Pupil Company’s narrative approach in recreating real-life situations that applied the course’s key principals and complex subject matter in practical ways helped their learners see and feel the impact in how subconscious biases negatively impact company performance and cultural morale, and what can be done differently to resolve these issues. 

Unifying the Nation: A Fight Against Division

TPC Products Utilized: Video Production

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix the broken and ineffective government. They unite people across the political spectrums to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people. 

In June of 2022, RepresentUs partnered with retired Marine General and former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command Anthony “The Godfather” Zinni, to create a July 4th Celebration video encouraging Americans of all political affiliations to come together, and remember that regardless of differences, we are all united under one flag. 

As General Zinni is a Virginia native, and RepresentUs is based out of the west coast, there was a great need with the logistical planning and execution of production filming with General Zinni. With less than two weeks left before filming, The Pupil Company was requested to step into the role of the project’s Producer.

Solution and Results:

Partnering with Eagle Wing Video Productions, The Pupil Company using its years of film production expertise to step into preproduction for the project, taking over location scouting, coordination and staffing for production support. During the filming and after its conclusion, TPC handled all Producer tasks and responsibilities, ensuring a smooth film shoot with the RepresentUs staff and General Zinni, and post-production coordination. 

The video was a great success for the RepresentUs team, who proudly shared the video on July 4th both on their website, and YouTube, reaching large audiences.

Innovative Team Building & Group Collaboration

TPC Products Utilized: Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

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Solution and Results:

Enter a summary of the solution(s) we provided and the results that came from it. 

Unifying the Nation: A Fight Against Division (ENTIRE SECTION NEEDS UPDATE)

TPC Products Utilized: Video Production

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix the broken and ineffective government. They unite people across the political spectrums to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people. 

In June of 2022, RepresentUs partnered with retired Marine General and former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command Anthony “The Godfather” Zinni, to create a July 4th Celebration video encouraging Americans of all political affiliations to come together, and remember that regardless of differences, we are all united under one flag. 

As General Zinni is a Virginia native, and RepresentUs is based out of the west coast, there was a great need with the logistical planning and execution of production filming with General Zinni. With less than two weeks left before filming, The Pupil Company was requested to step into the role of the project’s Producer.

Solution and Results:

Partnering with Eagle Wing Video Productions, The Pupil Company using its years of film production expertise to step into preproduction for the project, taking over location scouting, coordination and staffing for production support. During the filming and after its conclusion, TPC handled all Producer tasks and responsibilities, ensuring a smooth film shoot with the RepresentUs staff and General Zinni, and post-production coordination. 

The video was a great success for the RepresentUs team, who proudly shared the video on July 4th both on their website, and YouTube, reaching large audiences.

Innovative Team Building & Group Collaboration (ENTIRE SECTION NEEDS UPDATE)

TPC Products Utilized: Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Fill in the blank

Solution and Results:

Enter a summary of the solution(s) we provided and the results that came from it. 

Unifying the Nation: A Fight Against Division (ENTIRE SECTION NEEDS UPDATE)

TPC Products Utilized: Video Production

RepresentUs is America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization fighting to fix the broken and ineffective government. They unite people across the political spectrums to pass laws that hold corrupt politicians accountable, defeat special interests, and force the government to meet the needs of the American people. 

In June of 2022, RepresentUs partnered with retired Marine General and former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command Anthony “The Godfather” Zinni, to create a July 4th Celebration video encouraging Americans of all political affiliations to come together, and remember that regardless of differences, we are all united under one flag. 

As General Zinni is a Virginia native, and RepresentUs is based out of the west coast, there was a great need with the logistical planning and execution of production filming with General Zinni. With less than two weeks left before filming, The Pupil Company was requested to step into the role of the project’s Producer.

Solution and Results:

Partnering with Eagle Wing Video Productions, The Pupil Company using its years of film production expertise to step into preproduction for the project, taking over location scouting, coordination and staffing for production support. During the filming and after its conclusion, TPC handled all Producer tasks and responsibilities, ensuring a smooth film shoot with the RepresentUs staff and General Zinni, and post-production coordination. 

The video was a great success for the RepresentUs team, who proudly shared the video on July 4th both on their website, and YouTube, reaching large audiences.