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Mad Villainy

My Dad ran a karate school in the back of a church when I was a kid. I loved those years of training.   My Dad

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Play Like you Practice

My high school was a clash of two very different worlds.   There was a piece running on ESPN profiling Michael Vick and describing the nearly

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Click, Click, Boom…

Efficiency guides us to success, except when it kills us.  There are plenty of times when constructing a module that it is all too easy

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A Brave New World

Years ago I worked for a pharmaceutical marketing company that hosted a feedback session for patients that were prescribed a drug for a disease called

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Effects of Stories

In the workforce there is no currency more valuable than a person attuned to the story of the business.   https://media.giphy.com/media/t9vDJ3sOCcGtwyv0ks/giphy.gif  Elon Musk sat down and

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Knowledge in Practice

At a job, not too long ago, I was tasked with leading a team to translate documents from English to Spanish and conducting interviews in

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